Thursday 2 June 2011

Springwatch, beavers and fishing!

I was watching Springwatch on the telly last night and a central part of the programme, even the whole week, is a section devoted to the introduction of beavers back into the wild in the UK. 

Although the attempted to explore the potential controversy around this contentious bit of science I couldn't help wondering what on earth is the point of reintroducing an animal that hasn't been native in the UK in numbers for more than 1000 years and is probably one of the most destructive rodents on the planet. Now some anglers have long complained aboput Cormorants (with justification) and otters (with little justification) but there is no animal that will have such a direct and destructive effect on fish stocks and habitats than beavers - lets face it their raison de'tre is reshaping the landscape in which they live. 

This is fine in the wide open spaces of Canada, Russia(?) and USA where the're still plentiful in the wild but surely not in our crowded little island. They are shy noctuirnal creatures who will eschew human company but some of these naturalists have forgotten(conveniently) the destruction wrought in East Anglia by Coypu's when they were introduced (or escaped) into the wild in the 70's. 
If some anglers insist on campaigning against cute furry animals maybe they should turn their ire on beavers and leave the poor old otter alone. I know beavers don't actually eat fish but they do make a hell of a mess and ruin fish habitats. Just a thought. 

(Also the appalling Martin Hughes-Games dcemonstrated his own feelings abouit fishing when he said he'd like to introduce alligators in to ponds to make it a bit more even for wildlife against anglers - what a cretin!)

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