Wednesday 1 June 2011

A new blog for promoting angling in the UK

This is the second post of a new blog called WeLoveFishing. I will be posting news and views (not all mine) and information about angling in Sussex and beyond. 

Firwstly a note about the Angling Trust. For too long anglers have been completely ignored as a body, then the Angling Trust came along with its mission is to give anglers voice and representation where it really matters. And so far they have made a difference in a number of areas.

Anglers have been incredibly resistant and membership is stubbornly refusing to get up above 12,000. the problem seems to be that anglers are incredibly chippy and unwilling to take anything at face value - well it's about time they started to have a little faith in the work the Angling Trust is doing on their behalf.
It is incredible how when anglers get together they can make things happen - my previous post about Rother District Council proves this. So all anglers should put their hand in their pocket and pay their £20 to join. 

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